The Target Tracker displays

Based on an extensive consultation process with Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and other partners, the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) is developing a “Target Tracker”, an online tool based on the headline indicators of the monitoring framework for the Kunming – Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (Global Biodiversity Framework), to visualise progress towards each of the goals and targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework. The Target Tracker will show progress at global, regional and national scales using headline indicators, derived and aggregated from national data where possible. The Target Tracker will also enable Parties to show progress towards national targets using nationally collated data.

Data sources

There are three possibilities of data displays, which will be individually considered for each headline indicator:

  • Data at the national scale provided by countries.
  • Data at global scales – from global indicators custodians and partners.
  • Disaggregated global data to fill gaps in national indicators.


UNEP-WCMC is trialling options for interoperability with other data platforms, tools and knowledge products, such as DaRT, UN Biodiversity Lab, Online Reporting Tool and others to:

  • Support the collation, aggregation, use and display of national data, subject to countries’ needs.
  • Increase access to up-to-date information.
  • Avoid duplication of efforts in data collation and publishing.
  • Enhance the transparency of data. Improve access to global data layers, where required, for verification purposes.


The development of the Target Tracker was funded by the European Commission, UNEP, and the Swedish Postcode Lottery Foundation, with technical support provided by NatureServe. 

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