Indicator outputs were produced and provided by the country/territory. Therefore, values may differ from the ones displayed at the Nationally disaggregated from global sources tab.
Trends of headline indicators
Trends of headline indicators
Target 5Ensure that the use, harvesting and trade of wild species is sustainable, safe and legal, preventing overexploitation, minimizing impacts on non-target species and ecosystems, and reducing the risk of pathogen spill-over, applying the ecosystem approach, while respecting and protecting customary sustainable use by indigenous peoples and local communities.More
Status Definition
Trend towards the target
This category indicates a consistent and observable pattern or direction in which a specific indicator is moving closer to the desired or intended target or goal. It means progress or alignment with the intended outcome.
Trend away from the target
This category refers to a consistent and observable pattern or direction in which a specific indicator is moving further away from the desired or intended target or goal. It means that the current trajectory is diverging from the desired outcome.
No trend towards or away from target
This category suggests that there is no discernible or consistent directional movement of an indicator concerning the desired or intended target or goal. In other words, there is neither progress nor regression; the data remains relatively stable or fluctuates without a clear pattern.
No data
This category presents the absence of a specific indicator in relation to the target or goal. It can either be an indicator that is under development; or that the target/goal does not have a headline indicator on the monitoring framework
Target 10Ensure that areas under agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries and forestry are managed sustainably, in particular through the sustainable use of biodiversity, including through a substantial increase of the application of biodiversity friendly practices, such as sustainable intensification, agroecological and other innovative approaches contributing to the resilience and long-term efficiency and...More
Status Definition
Trend towards the target
This category indicates a consistent and observable pattern or direction in which a specific indicator is moving closer to the desired or intended target or goal. It means progress or alignment with the intended outcome.
Trend away from the target
This category refers to a consistent and observable pattern or direction in which a specific indicator is moving further away from the desired or intended target or goal. It means that the current trajectory is diverging from the desired outcome.
No trend towards or away from target
This category suggests that there is no discernible or consistent directional movement of an indicator concerning the desired or intended target or goal. In other words, there is neither progress nor regression; the data remains relatively stable or fluctuates without a clear pattern.
No data
This category presents the absence of a specific indicator in relation to the target or goal. It can either be an indicator that is under development; or that the target/goal does not have a headline indicator on the monitoring framework